Customized Mascot Specialist
Frequent Ask Questions
Questions Frequently Asked
How to Order a Mascot?
It is easy and simple. Give or send us the image or design of the mascot that will be created. We will then calculate the cost of production and the material used. Next, we will send you a written offer. If you or your company agrees, you can pay 50% of the offer as Down Payment (DP).
Once we receive the down payment (DP), we will start to produce the mascot. We will finish mascot production in 14 working days. When the mascot production completes, the following step is "fitting" with you or the company. If there is no problem with the "fitting" and you or the company is satisfied, you or company pays off the remaining cost. We will immediately send you the mascot that you order.
How Much Does it Cost to Make a Mascot?
It depends on the degree of the difficulty of the production, raw material used and the quantity of the incoming order.
How Long Has MarioMascot.com Been Existing in the Mascot World?
It has been existing since 2005, but it just started to be online in the beginning of 2012.
Can Mascots be ordered in bulk or group?
Yes. We have often handled mascots ordered in bulk or group for product launching and product socialization.
Can MarioMascot.com Handle a Mascot for Cosplay?
Yes, we can. We handle mascot production for Cosplays, Carnivals, Contests and Fashion Shows. The time needed to produce a mascot depends on the level of difficulty of the production and the number of the incoming order.
Are There Other Costs to Produce a Mascot?
No. Only if the costume is defective after the warranty period of three months and it needs to be repaired, there will be repairing and replacement cost for the damaged material.
Can MarioMascot.com Produce a Mascot Based on One’s Own Picture or Design?
Yes. Anyone, who wants to use our service to make a mascot, will definitely have to bring his or her own picture or design on which we will work later on. Please be informed that we do not provide designs or draftsmen.
How Long Does it Take to Produce A New Mascot?
It takes around 14 working days (depending on the difficulty level of the production and the number of the incoming order to be handled).
Who Has Used the Mascot Service at www. MarioMascot. com?
Clients who have used our service are among others: PT. BASF, Icy Blue, Kinderland Preschool, Funworld, Fragrant Tea Shoots (Mayora Groups), Singapore Theme Park, Dentist Clinic at Citraland, Corporate Air, OPI Water World, Australian Embassy, Bank Central Asia, and others.
Customized Mascot Specialist
Jl. Alamanda Raya,
Jakarta Barat 11520
Telp. (021) 5801883
Fax. (021) 5801883
Email: companymascot@gmail.com / yosefmario@gmail.com
Bagaimana cara pemesanannya ?
Mudah, cukup bapak / ibu memberikan gambar / design mascot yang akan dibuat, maka kami akan menghitung biaya pembuatan serta bahan yang digunakan, dan kami akan mengirimkan penawaran tertulis, apabila perusahaan bapak / ibu menyetujuinya, maka perusahaan dapat membayar 50% down payment.
Setelah DP kami terima, produksi mascot dimulai, dan dalam waktu 14 hari kerja, mascot diselesaikan. Setelah mascot selesai dibuat, maka dilakukan “fitting” dengan pihak perusahaan, apabila dalam “fitting” tidak ada masalah serta pihak perusahaan sudah puas, maka 50% pelunasan dilakukan. Dan mascot segera dikirimkan ke perusahaan bapak / ibu.
Berapa harga pembuatan sebuah Mascot ?
Mengingat biaya tergantung pada tingkat kesulitan pembuatan, bahan / raw material yang digunakan serta jumlah pemesanan.
Sudah berapa lama MarioMascot.com eksis di dunia Mascot ?
Sudah berlangsung sejak tahun 2005, namun di-online-kan baru pada awal tahun 2012.
Apa bisa pesan Mascot borongan atau group ?
Bisa, kami telah sering menangani Mascot untuk launching product maupun sosialisasi product yang pemesanannya secara borongan / group.
Bisa menangani Mascot untuk Cosplay ?
Bisa, kami menangani pembuatan Mascot untuk Cosplay serta Carnaval atau Lomba-Lomba serta Fashion Show. Hanya waktu pembuatannya tergantung dengan tingkat kesulitan pembuatannya serta jumlah order yang masuk.
Apa ada biaya lainnya untuk pembuatan Mascot ?
Tidak ada, hanya apabila kostum rusak setelah masa garansi 3 bulan dan ingin diperbaiki, maka akan dikenakan biaya jasa perbaikan dan penggantian bahan yang rusak.
Apa bisa buat Mascot dengan gambar atau design yang saya bawa sendiri ?
Ya, Anda memang harus membawa design / gambar sendiri untuk nantinya akan dikerjakan pembuatannya oleh pihak kami. Karena kami tidak menyediakan jasa design / juru gambar.
Berapa lama waktu untuk pemesanan Mascot baru ?
Pembuatan Mascot baru memakan waktu sekitar 14 hari kerja (tergantung tingkat kesulitan dan jumlah order yang harus ditangani).
Siapa saja yang pernah menggunakan jasa pembuatan mascot di www. MarioMascot.com ?
Banyak client yang sudah menggunakan jasa kami, antara lain adalah PT. BASF, Icy Blue, Kinderland Preschool, Funworld, Teh Pucuk Harum (Mayora Groups), Singapore Theme Park, Dentist Clinic at Citraland, Perusahaan AC, OPI Water World, Australian Embassy, Bank Central Asia, dan lain-lain.
Customized Mascot Specialist
Jl. Alamanda Raya,
Jakarta Barat 11520
Telp. (021) 5801883
Fax. (021) 5801883
Email: companymascot@gmail.com / yosefmario@gmail.com